Similarly, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) offers tools for emotional regulation, helping you navigate the highs and lows of recovery with greater resilience. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction as a chronic disease that affects the brain’s reward, motivation, and memory functions. Sobriety, then, is not just about stopping substance use but also about healing and retraining your brain to find joy and fulfillment in activities and relationships that aren’t centered around drugs or alcohol.

sober person

Short Term vs. Long Term Sobriety

This leads to higher concentration of alcohol entering the bloodstream, so women are more susceptible to its effects. Another study found that women have higher blood ethanol concentrations than men and are more likely to suffer alcohol-related liver diseases. Susan G. Komen also finds that alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, as it can raise oestrogen levels and contribute to hormone-sensitive cancers.

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You’re also working towards gaining a profound sense of personal freedom. This freedom isn’t merely about the physical absence of substances but involves liberating yourself from the emotional and psychological chains that addiction can create. In the realm of addiction recovery, sobriety is not a destination but a continuous path of self-improvement and discovery. It involves developing coping mechanisms to deal with life’s challenges without resorting to substance use. Even treatment professionals may differ in their definition of sobriety. In the broadest terms, it simply means recovery from alcohol or drug addiction.

Know Your Archetypes is a website is a website all about personality archetypes, mythology and psychology. These are just some of the challenges that come with having a Sober personality type. One of the challenges that comes with having a Sober personality type is that you tend to be very inwardly focused.

Benefits of being sober curious

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) states that remission from addiction where an individual is not at a greater risk of developing an addiction than a normal person takes 5 years to achieve. Depending on the severity of the addiction or substance being used, a medically supervised detox may be necessary to safely help you. This can be extremely beneficial in a variety of workplaces, from medical settings to high-pressure jobs like law enforcement or air traffic control.

Embracing Sobriety as a Journey

Abstinence, on the other hand, serves as a foundational step in the journey to sobriety but lacks the comprehensive nature of the latter. Getting sober may seem difficult, but there are strategies you can use to get and maintain sobriety. Some are structured in programs, such as the 12-step approach used by Alcoholics Anonymous and similar addiction recovery programs. There are common setbacks to getting and staying sober like withdrawal, craving, and pressure to use. Setbacks don’t erase progress, though, and they don’t mean you’ve “failed” to stay sober. A person who is getting sober may be getting sober from one substance or all substances.

sober person

When you take your first baby steps in sobriety, you can feel like you have two left feet and it can feel like you are stumbling around more than actually moving forwards. This attitude means Gen Z are reducing their alcohol intake as a way to manage their emotional wellbeing, and may look at alcohol as an impediment to a robust mental framework. Social media platforms like TikTok have also helped users to broadcast the benefits of a sober or sober curious lifestyle. Whatever the motivation for getting clean, without properly addressing the underlying causes of addiction, there is a very real risk that relapse will occur.

The sober curious movement

Some people may find that wearable devices and smartphone apps can support their recovery from alcohol use disorder. Biosensors monitor physical changes, detect alcohol use, and identify relapse risk. Studies suggest digital health options can improve access to care for some of the 15 million people experiencing alcohol use disorder each year. Sobriety is a general term for staying away from mood- and mind-altering substances, though there is no commonly agreed-upon medical definition in terms of what sobriety means. People in recovery generally agree that abstinence is necessary but remains just a starting point for a new, sober life.

Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles

A person who experiences addiction to drugs or alcohol but is currently not using them can be described as clean. They may be looking for drugs or alcohol, but can’t afford it or find it. Or they might be attempting to quit using drugs or drinking alcohol and have started racking up time being sober. Choosing sobriety is a transformative decision that not only impacts your physical health but also enhances your mental well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life.

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